Friday, October 31, 2008

The Boo-Bug-Bot

The boo-bug-bot is very cool because you can really make it yourself. You can make it by using a couple of spare parts probably in your room or garage or even in the back yard. You can use it for Halloween or something to scary or have it for something to do with scary stuff. Because when ever it reaches light it starts to vibrate and make noises. All you have to do is go down to your local store or any kind of shop that has tools and buy some stuff and make your own little Boo-Bug-Bot.

I think its really cool and Im going to try to build it one day and play with it. I might even try to scare my friends with it and take it to school. And i might show Mrs. Piper and maybe even give it to her as a present. But first i have to have fun with it and play with it until i get tired of it or just don't like it no more.


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